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Candace began teaching linguistics at the university level at the age of 23, becoming aware with each passing year of how little she knew. Since 1991 she has supervised all facets of foreign versions of American films –linguistic, theatrical, technical– for practically all major Hollywood studios. She has become well known in the field by virtue of the fact that she has managed to take credit for so many other really talented people’s work.

Degrees she had to achieve before she finally started learning something: a Bachelor of Arts from Purdue University (USA), a degree from the University of Strasbourg (France), and a PhD from the University of the Saarland (Germany).

She is the author of Through the Dubbing Glass, a painstakingly researched, meticulously documented, technically totally outdated thesis on how American films were transposed into foreign versions in bygone millennia.

Her pedigree includes the supervision of the dubbing and subtitling of films such as: 4 James Bond films; half a dozen Spidermen; a couple of the Da Vinci Code movies; 3 Men in Blacks; various Oceans 11, 12 and upwards. She has worked on films directed by Quentin Tarantino, Mike Nichols, James Cameron, Steven Soderbergh, among others. Her television credentials include Monty Python’s Flying Circus and The Simpsons.

She speaks six and a half languages and works in five countries, putting in her two cents even when nobody wants it.

Candace Whitman
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